Wodonga TAFE

Wodonga TAFE

Located in beautiful North East Victoria, Wodonga TAFE is proud of its reputation as a leading vocational education and training provider, offering education and training programs to individuals and industry, locally and nationally. With a mission to strengthen our communities and industries through accessible and innovative learning, Wodonga TAFE’s success is underpinned by an uncompromising commitment to driving student success, helping build our communities through education, working in partnership with all industries, inspiring futures through innovative and future-focused practices, as well as empowering and supporting our people so they too can lead and live happy and fulfilled lives.

  • 87 McKoy Street, West Wodonga VIC 3690
  • https://www.wodongatafe.edu.au/
  • 1300 698 233

Recognised Courses

DIploma of Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage Therapy

Gain the skills and knowledge you require to become a qualified remedial massage practitioner. On successful completion you may be self-employed as an independent practitioner or may work within a larger health service. With your intensive training, you will be able to apply for provider recognition with health funds.
  • 12 Months Full Time
  • 200 Clinical Hours
  • On Campus

Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy


For qualified Remedial Massage Therapists (RMT), this course provides the opportunity to advance your training and knowledge to the next level. This qualification will provide an extension of your skills which will focus on assessment, treatment and prevention of specific musculoskeletal conditions and somatic dysfunction.
  • 12 Months Full Time
  • Prerequisite: Remedial Massage