Health Institute Australasia

Health Institute Australasia

The Health Institute Australasia is an Ayurveda and Yoga School located on the beautiful Gold Coast of eastern Australia.  We have developed numerous educational programs in the form of interactive community lectures, workshops, series, and seminars as well as diploma courses to meet the needs of the twenty-first century.  The Health Institute Australasia is Government Accredited as a registered training organisation offering flexible payment plans. Government subsidies such as Austudy and youth allowance are available for eligible domestic students.

  • Level 1, 18 Rawlins Street, Southport QLD 4215
  • (07) 5532 2001

Recognised Courses

Advanced Diploma of Ayureda


On successful completion of this course, you will have the skills needed to work as a practitioner in Ayurvedic Therapeutic and Remedial Treatments, including Ayurvedic herbal medicine, Ayurvedic massage and Ayurvedic nutritional advice. The Advanced Diploma of Ayurveda program is dedicated to the integration of authentic, ancient Vedic education with the enlightened Western ideas of today.
  • International Students
  • 1200 Hour Course